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D.4.16 modnormal_lib

Normalization of affine domains using modular methods

J. Boehm [email protected]
W. Decker [email protected]
S. Laplagne [email protected]
G. Pfister [email protected]
A. Steenpass [email protected]
S. Steidel [email protected]

Suppose A is an affine domain over a perfect field.
This library implements a modular strategy for finding the normalization of A. Following [1], the idea is to apply the normalization algorithm given in [2] over finite fields and lift the results via Chinese remaindering and rational reconstruction as described in [3]. This approach is inherently parallel.
The strategy is available both as a randomized and as a verified algorithm.

[1] Janko Boehm, Wolfram Decker, Santiago Laplagne, Gerhard Pfister, Stefan Steidel, Andreas Steenpass: Parallel algorithms for normalization, preprint, 2011.

[2] Gert-Martin Greuel, Santiago Laplagne, Frank Seelisch: Normalization of Rings, Journal of Symbolic Computation 9 (2010), p. 887-901

[3] Janko Boehm, Wolfram Decker, Claus Fieker, Gerhard Pfister: The use of Bad Primes in Rational Reconstruction, preprint, 2012.


D.4.16.1 modNormal  normalization of R/I using modular methods
See also: locnormal_lib; normal_lib.

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