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D.4.22 noether_lib

Noether normalization of an ideal (not necessary homogeneous)
A. Hashemi, [email protected]

A library for computing the Noether normalization of an ideal that DOES NOT require the computation of the dimension of the ideal. It checks whether an ideal is in Noether position. A modular version of these algorithms is also provided.
The procedures are based on a paper of Amir Hashemi 'Efficient Algorithms for Computing Noether Normalization' (presented in ASCM 2007)

This library computes also Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity and satiety of an ideal. A modular version of these algorithms is also provided. The procedures are based on a paper of Amir Hashemi 'Computation of Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity and satiety' (preprint 2008)


D.4.22.1 NPos_test  checks whether monomial ideal id is in Noether position
D.4.22.2 modNpos_test  the same as above using modular methods
D.4.22.3 NPos  Noether normalization of ideal id
D.4.22.4 modNPos  Noether normalization of ideal id by modular methods
D.4.22.5 nsatiety  Satiety of ideal id
D.4.22.6 modsatiety  Satiety of ideal id by modular methods
D.4.22.7 regCM  Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of ideal id
D.4.22.8 modregCM  Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of ideal id by modular methods

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