Here is a list of all struct and union fields with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- c -
- c : lattice, linearForm
- C : nc_struct
- c : reduction_step
- c3 : skStrategy
- c_max : SubMatrix< T >
- c_min : SubMatrix< T >
- c_string() : PolyBase< variant, create_type_input, error_handle_traits >
- Cache() : Cache< KeyClass, ValueClass >
- calcdisc() : nforder
- campf() : amp::campf< Precision >
- cancelDeps() : LibThread::Scheduler, LibThread::ThreadPool
- cancelJob() : LibThread::Scheduler, LibThread::ThreadPool
- cancelled : LibThread::Job
- candidatesLeft() : fglmDdata, fglmSdata
- CanonicalForm() : CanonicalForm
- canonicalize() : red_object
- CanonicalizeP() : sLObject
- CanShortOut : ring
- CAntiCommutativeSpecialPairMultiplier() : CAntiCommutativeSpecialPairMultiplier
- cap : LibThread::ByteBuf
- cast() : CountedRef, CountedRefShared, vspace::VRef< T >, vspace::VRef< void >, vspace::ZRef< T >
- CBasePolyEnumerator() : CBasePolyEnumerator
- CBaseType : CGlobalMultiplier
- CCacheCompare() : CCacheCompare
- CCacheHash() : CCacheHash< CExponent >
- CCommutativeSpecialPairMultiplier() : CCommutativeSpecialPairMultiplier
- CDivisorEnumerator : CReducerFinder
- CDivisorEnumerator2 : CReducerFinder
- centerMainWindow() : CxxTest::Win32Gui
- centerWindow() : CxxTest::QtGui, CxxTest::X11Gui
- CExponent : CGlobalCacheHash, CGlobalMultiplier, CPowerMultiplier, CSpecialPairCacheHash, CSpecialPairMultiplier
- CExternalSpecialPairMultiplier() : CExternalSpecialPairMultiplier
- cf : ring
- cfAdd : coeffs
- cfAnn : coeffs
- cfChineseRemainder : coeffs
- cfClearContent : coeffs
- cfClearDenominators : coeffs
- cfCoeffName : coeffs
- cfCoeffString : coeffs
- cfCoeffWrite : coeffs
- cfCopy : coeffs
- cfDBTest : coeffs
- cfDelete : coeffs
- cfDiv : coeffs
- cfDivBy : coeffs
- cfDivComp : coeffs
- cfEqual : coeffs
- cfEucNorm : coeffs
- cfExactDiv : coeffs
- cfExtGcd : coeffs
- cfFarey : coeffs
- cfGcd : coeffs
- CFGenerator() : CFGenerator
- cfGetDenom : coeffs
- cfGetNumerator : coeffs
- cfGetUnit : coeffs
- cfGreater : coeffs
- cfGreaterZero : coeffs
- cfImPart : coeffs
- cfInit : coeffs
- cfInitMPZ : coeffs
- cfInpAdd : coeffs
- cfInpMult : coeffs
- cfInpNeg : coeffs
- cfInt : coeffs
- cfIntMod : coeffs
- cfInvers : coeffs
- cfIsMOne : coeffs
- cfIsOne : coeffs
- cfIsUnit : coeffs
- cfIsZero : coeffs
- CFIterator : CanonicalForm, CFIterator, InternalPoly, term
- cfKillChar : coeffs
- cfLcm : coeffs
- CFMap() : CFMap
- cfMPZ : coeffs
- cfMult : coeffs
- cfNormalize : coeffs
- cfNormalizeHelper : coeffs
- CFormulaPowerMultiplier() : CFormulaPowerMultiplier
- cfParameter : coeffs
- cfParDeg : coeffs
- cfPower : coeffs
- cfQuot1 : coeffs
- cfQuotRem : coeffs
- cfRandom : coeffs
- cfRead : coeffs
- cfReadFd : coeffs
- cfRePart : coeffs
- cfSetChar : coeffs
- cfSetMap : coeffs
- cfSize : coeffs
- cfSub : coeffs
- cfSubringGcd : coeffs
- CFSwitches() : CFSwitches
- cfunc : LibThread::KernelJob, LibThread::RawKernelJob
- cfWriteFd : coeffs
- cfWriteLong : coeffs
- cfWriteShort : coeffs
- cfXExtGcd : coeffs
- CGlobalCacheHash() : CGlobalCacheHash
- CGlobalMultiplier() : CGlobalMultiplier
- ch : flintZn_struct, coeffs
- chainCrit : skStrategy
- changed : Poly
- Channel() : LibThread::Channel< T >
- channels : vspace::internals::VMem
- Check() : CLCM
- check() : LibThread::SingularSyncVar, LibThread::TxTable, PList
- check_arg() : LibThread::Command
- check_argc() : LibThread::Command
- check_argc_min() : LibThread::Command
- check_bound() : lattice
- check_context() : PythonObject
- check_init() : LibThread::Command
- checked : sLObject
- checkFlipConeInput() : groebnerCone
- checkForUniformizingBinomial() : tropicalStrategy
- checkForUniformizingParameter() : tropicalStrategy
- checkimag() : rootContainer
- checkInitialIdealForMonomial() : tropicalStrategy
- checkInverse() : PolysTestSuite
- checkIsSameRing() : PolyBase< variant, create_type_input, error_handle_traits >
- CheckLT() : CLeadingTerm
- checkMem() : pointSet
- CheckPrecision() : amp::ampf< Precision >
- chksum : heEntry_s
- CHWeylSpecialPairMultiplier() : CHWeylSpecialPairMultiplier
- classname() : InternalCF, InternalInteger, InternalPoly, InternalPrimePower, InternalRational
- CLCM() : CLCM, SchreyerSyzygyComputation
- CLeadingTerm() : CLeadingTerm
- Clean() : slists
- cleanDegs() : slimgb_alg
- cleanup() : fglmDelem, fglmSelem
- CleanUp() : SchreyerSyzygyComputation, sleftv
- clear() : Cache< KeyClass, ValueClass >, LinTree::LinTree
- Clear() : sLObject, sTObject
- clear_to_poly() : red_object
- clearDenom() : fglmVector
- clearid() : LeftvDeep, LeftvHelper
- clearThreadState() : LibThread::InterpreterThread, LibThread::Scheduler, LibThread::ThreadPool
- CListOld() : CListOld
- clone() : AlgExtGenerator, AlgExtRandomF, CFGenerator, CFRandom, FFGenerator, FFRandom, fglmVectorRep, GFGenerator, GFRandom, IntGenerator, IntRandom, vspace::VString
- Close : si_link_extension
- closeDisplay() : CxxTest::X11Gui
- cmd : sValCmd1, sValCmd2, sValCmd3, sValCmdM, sValCmdTab
- CmpL_Size : ring
- CMultiplier() : CMultiplier< CExponent >
- cn : vandermonde
- CNode() : CNode
- cnt : libstack, multiCnt
- codim : facet
- codim2Ptr : facet
- coef : CoefIdx< number_type >, generator_entry, lattice, mac_poly_r, MonRedResNP< number_type >, poly
- coef_array : SparseRow< number_type >
- coeff() : CFIterator, InternalCF, InternalPoly, mapoly_s, term
- coeffs : rootContainer
- col : entry, bigintmat, int64vec, intvec
- colIsZero() : bigintmat
- collectIrreducibleMonomials() : NoroCache< number_type >
- cols() : bigintmat, int64vec, intvec, ip_smatrix, KMatrix< K >
- colskaldiv() : bigintmat
- colskalmult() : bigintmat
- coltransform() : bigintmat
- column_is_zero() : KMatrix< K >
- column_pivot() : KMatrix< K >
- columns() : Matrix< T >, tgb_matrix, tgb_sparse_matrix
- COM : nc_struct
- Command() : LibThread::Command
- CommonDynamicSuiteDescription() : CxxTest::CommonDynamicSuiteDescription
- comp : lt_struct
- Comp() : sLObject
- compare() : bigintmat, int64vec, intvec, MinorKey, PythonObject
- comparecoeff() : InternalCF, InternalInteger, InternalPoly, InternalPrimePower, InternalRational
- comparesame() : InternalCF, InternalInteger, InternalPoly, InternalPrimePower, InternalRational
- complain() : CountedRefData
- complete() : vspace::DequeueEvent< T >, vspace::EnqueueEvent< T >, vspace::SyncReadEvent< T >, vspace::WaitSemaphoreEvent
- completed : slimgb_alg
- completeReduce_retry : skStrategy
- complex() : ap::complex
- complexity() : Rational
- ComponentOrder : ring
- Components : sro_syzcomp
- compute() : simplex
- Compute1LeadingSyzygyTerms() : SchreyerSyzygyComputation
- Compute2LeadingSyzygyTerms() : SchreyerSyzygyComputation
- compute_gram_matrix() : lattice
- computeFlip() : tropicalStrategy
- computefx() : rootContainer
- computegx() : rootContainer
- ComputeImage() : SchreyerSyzygyComputation
- computeInv() : gcone
- ComputeLeadingSyzygyTerms() : SchreyerSyzygyComputation
- computeLift() : tropicalStrategy
- computeLinealitySpace() : gcone
- computeStdOfInitialIdeal() : tropicalStrategy
- ComputeSyzygy() : SchreyerSyzygyComputation
- computeWitness() : tropicalStrategy
- concatcol() : bigintmat
- concatrow() : bigintmat
- cond : LibThread::Channel< T >, LibThread::Scheduler, LibThread::SingularChannel, LibThread::SingularSyncVar, LibThread::SyncVar< T >, Semaphore
- condition : ConditionVariable
- ConditionVariable() : ConditionVariable, Lock
- config_header : vspace::internals::MetaPage
- const_raw_vector() : ap::const_raw_vector< T >
- const_reference : IAccessor< T >
- construct() : CountedRef
- ConstTermReference() : ConstTermReference< T >
- contains() : groebnerCone
- content() : bigintmat
- convert() : NAConverter, NTNumConverter
- convexHull() : convexHull
- convFactoryNSingN : coeffs
- convSingNFactoryN : coeffs
- copy() : bigintmat, PUtilBase, PUtilCF, PUtilInt, PUtilVar
- Copy() : sattr, sleftv, sLObject, sTObject
- copy_deep() : KMatrix< K >, linearForm, multiCnt, newtonPolygon, spectrum
- copy_delete() : KMatrix< K >, linearForm, multiCnt, newtonPolygon, spectrum
- copy_new() : KMatrix< K >, linearForm, multiCnt, newtonPolygon, spectrum
- copy_on_write() : PolyBase< variant, create_type_input, error_handle_traits >
- copy_shallow() : KMatrix< K >, linearForm, multiCnt, newtonPolygon, spectrum, spectrumPolyList, spectrumPolyNode
- copy_tag : CountedRefData
- copy_unit() : KMatrix< K >
- copy_zero() : KMatrix< K >, linearForm, multiCnt, newtonPolygon, spectrum, spectrumPolyList, spectrumPolyNode
- CopyA() : sattr, sleftv
- copyAndChangeCoefficientRing() : tropicalStrategy
- copyAndChangeOrderingLS() : tropicalStrategy
- copyAndChangeOrderingWP() : tropicalStrategy
- CopyD() : sleftv
- copyObject() : fglmVectorRep, InternalCF
- copySubmatInto() : bigintmat
- copyTermList() : InternalPoly
- count : blackbox_list, CountedRef, CountedRefPtr< PtrType, Nondestructive, NeverNull, CountType >, LibThread::AccTrigger, LibThread::ByteBuf, LibThread::CountTrigger, LibThread::SetTrigger, LibThread::SingularChannel, LList, LNode, Semaphore
- count_type : CountedRefPtr< PtrType, Nondestructive, NeverNull, CountType >, RefCounter
- CountedRef() : CountedRef
- CountedRefData() : CountedRefData
- CountedRefIndirectPtr() : CountedRefIndirectPtr< PtrType >
- CountedRefPtr() : CountedRefPtr< PtrType, Nondestructive, NeverNull, CountType >, RefCounter
- CountedRefShared() : CountedRefShared
- CountedRefWeakPtr() : CountedRefWeakPtr< PtrType >
- CountedRefWeakPtr< PtrType > : CountedRefIndirectPtr< PtrType >
- counter : gcone
- countFailure() : CxxTest::TestTracker
- CountTrigger() : LibThread::CountTrigger
- countWarning() : CxxTest::TestTracker
- cp : skStrategy
- cPack : proclevel
- cPackHdl : proclevel
- CPairOld() : CPairOld
- cpiv : sparse_mat
- CPolyCoeffsEnumerator() : CPolyCoeffsEnumerator
- CPolynomialSummator() : CPolynomialSummator
- CPower() : CPower
- CPowerMultiplier() : CPowerMultiplier
- cpy() : LeftvHelper
- CQuasiCommutativeSpecialPairMultiplier() : CQuasiCommutativeSpecialPairMultiplier
- crd : sparse_mat, sparse_number_mat
- create() : PUtilFactory
- create_type : PolyBase< variant, create_type_input, error_handle_traits >, PowerSeriesPolyTraits, PowerSeriesVectorTraits
- createApplication() : CxxTest::QtGui
- createColors() : CxxTest::X11Gui
- createFont() : CxxTest::X11Gui
- createGc() : CxxTest::X11Gui
- createMainWindow() : CxxTest::QtGui, CxxTest::Win32Gui
- createMatrix() : resMatrixDense, resMatrixSparse
- createmulttable() : nforder
- createProgressBar() : CxxTest::QtGui, CxxTest::Win32Gui
- createStatusBar() : CxxTest::QtGui, CxxTest::Win32Gui
- createSuite() : CxxTest::DynamicSuiteDescription< S >
- createWindow() : CxxTest::QtGui, CxxTest::Win32Gui, CxxTest::X11Gui
- CRecursivePolyCoeffsEnumerator : CBasePolyEnumerator, CRecursivePolyCoeffsEnumerator< ConverterPolicy >
- CReducerFinder() : CReducerFinder, SchreyerSyzygyComputation
- CReducersHash : CReducerFinder
- CShiftSpecialPairMultiplier() : CShiftSpecialPairMultiplier
- cspecial : rootContainer
- cspecialmu : rootContainer
- CSpecialPairCacheHash() : CSpecialPairCacheHash
- CSpecialPairMultiplier() : CSpecialPairMultiplier
- curr : omBin_t
- curr_index : sro_syz
- curr_lineno : Voice
- Current() : CPolyCoeffsEnumerator, CRecursivePolyCoeffsEnumerator< ConverterPolicy >
- current : FFGenerator, GFGenerator
- Current() : IAccessor< T >
- current : IntGenerator, ListIterator< T >, omBinPage_t, omBinPageRegion_t
- current_degree : slimgb_alg
- current_page : omBin_t
- current_process : vspace::internals::VMem
- CurrentBytesFromMalloc : omInfo_t
- CurrentBytesFromValloc : omInfo_t
- CurrentBytesMmap : omInfo_t
- CurrentBytesSbrk : omInfo_t
- CurrentBytesSystem : omInfo_t
- CurrentRegionsAlloc : omInfo_t
- currentSize : idealFunctionals
- currentStrategy : groebnerCone
- currenttype : CFFactory
- currIdx : skStrategy
- cursor : CFIterator, LinTree::LinTree
- cv : skStrategy
- cw : ssyStrategy
- CWeylSpecialPairMultiplier() : CWeylSpecialPairMultiplier
- CXXTEST_STD() : CxxTest::ErrorPrinter::Adapter, CxxTest::StdTraitsBase