Here is a list of all struct and union fields with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- i -
- i : gmp_complex, MYYSTYPE, sorted_pair_node, utypes
- i_r : sTObject
- i_r1 : sLObject
- i_r2 : sLObject
- i_typ : sConvertTypes
- ia : RandomGenerator
- IAccessor() : IAccessor< T >
- IBaseEnumerator() : IBaseEnumerator
- icase : simplex
- id : feResourceConfig_s, idhdl_wrap, idrec, LibThread::Job, LibThread::ThreadState, newstruct_desc, PythonInterpreter
- id_i : idrec
- id_is_proc() : idhdl_wrap
- id_type : CountedRef, PythonInterpreter
- Ideal() : Ideal
- IdealBase() : IdealBase< poly_type >
- idealBegin() : MathicToSingStream
- idealDone() : MathicToSingStream
- idealFunctionals() : idealFunctionals
- idelem : mayanPyramidAlg, resMatrixSparse
- idelems : fglmSdata
- idhdl_wrap() : idhdl_wrap
- idify() : LeftvDeep, LeftvHelper
- idrec() : idrec
- idroot : ring, ip_package
- idx : CoefIdx< number_type >
- idx_array : SparseRow< number_type >
- ievpoint : rootContainer
- ifsw : Voice
- iiAddCproc : SModulFunctions
- iiArithAddCmd : SModulFunctions
- iLength : ap::const_raw_vector< T >
- ilog2() : CanonicalForm, InternalCF, InternalInteger
- im : RandomGenerator
- imag() : gmp_complex
- imax : IteratedFor
- impl : PolySimple
- import_as() : PythonObject
- inBaseDomain() : CanonicalForm, InternalCF, InternalPoly
- inc() : multiCnt, vspace::internals::refcount_t
- inc_carry() : multiCnt
- inCoeffDomain() : CanonicalForm, InternalCF, InternalPoly
- increase_x() : lattice
- incref() : LibThread::SharedObject
- incRefCount() : InternalCF
- incrementRetrievals() : MinorValue
- ind1 : SObject
- ind2 : SObject
- independentVectors : lattice
- index() : bigintmat, IteratedFor, LibThread::ThreadState, LPolyOld, pointSet, poly_sort, RuleOld
- inExtension() : CanonicalForm, InternalCF, InternalPoly
- inFF() : CanonicalForm
- inGF() : CanonicalForm
- inHull() : convexHull
- init() : DegreePattern
- Init() : idrec
- init : LibThread::SingularSyncVar, LibThread::SyncVar< T >, nforder, nforder_ideal, PythonInterpreter, resVector
- Init() : sattr, sleftv, slists, sLObject, sTObject
- init() : vandermonde, vspace::internals::VMem
- init_addr : omBinPageRegion_t
- init_pages : omBinPageRegion_t
- init_proc : heBrowser_s
- init_python() : PythonInterpreter
- init_with_mac_poly : tgb_sparse_matrix
- initArg() : arg_list
- initCommonControls() : CxxTest::Win32Gui
- initEcart : skStrategy
- initEcartPair : skStrategy
- initial_quality : red_object
- initialize() : amp::mpfr_reference
- Initialize() : CReducerFinder
- initialize() : CxxTest::CommonDynamicSuiteDescription, CxxTest::DynamicSuiteDescription< S >, CxxTest::List, CxxTest::RealSuiteDescription, CxxTest::RealTestDescription, CxxTest::StaticSuiteDescription, CxxTest::TestTracker, InternalPrimePower
- InitializeAsDouble() : amp::ampf< Precision >
- InitializeAsSLong() : amp::ampf< Precision >
- InitializeAsString() : amp::ampf< Precision >
- InitializeAsULong() : amp::ampf< Precision >
- InitializeAsZero() : amp::ampf< Precision >
- initializeBar() : CxxTest::X11Gui
- initialized : InternalPrimePower, InternalRational
- initializeEvents() : CxxTest::X11Gui
- initState() : resMatrixBase
- inpmod() : bigintmat
- inpMult() : bigintmat
- inPolyDomain() : CanonicalForm, InternalCF, InternalPoly
- inpTranspose() : bigintmat
- inputIdeal : gcone
- inQ() : CanonicalForm
- inQuotDomain() : CanonicalForm, InternalCF, InternalPoly
- inred : sparse_mat
- insert() : CListOld, CNode, IdealBase< poly_type >, List< T >, ListIterator< T >, LList, LNode, LTagList, LTagNode, NoroCache< number_type >, PList, PNode, RList, RNode, RTagList, RTagNode
- insert_node() : spectrumPolyList
- insertAndTransferOwnerShip() : NoroCache< number_type >
- insertByDeg() : LList, LNode
- insertByLabel() : LList, LNode
- insertCols() : idealFunctionals
- insertFirst() : LList, LNode
- insertions : fglmDelem
- insertMatrix() : NewVectorMatrix
- insertOrdered() : RList, RNode
- insertRow() : NewVectorMatrix
- insertSP() : LList, LNode
- insertWithoutSort() : CListOld, CNode
- instance() : PythonInterpreter
- int64vec() : int64vec
- int_arg() : LibThread::Command
- integral : lattice
- interiorPoint : facet, gcone, gitfan::facet, groebnerCone
- internal_append() : arg_list
- InternalCF() : InternalCF
- InternalInteger() : InternalInteger, InternalRational
- InternalInteger_bin : InternalInteger
- InternalPoly() : InternalPoly, term
- InternalPoly_bin : InternalPoly
- InternalPrimePower() : InternalPrimePower
- InternalRational : InternalInteger, InternalRational
- InternalUsedBytesMalloc : omInfo_t
- interpolateDense() : uResultant, vandermonde
- interpolateDenseSP() : uResultant
- InterpreterThread() : LibThread::InterpreterThread
- interpt : skStrategy
- intersect() : DegreePattern
- interval() : interval
- intervals : box
- IntGenerator() : IntGenerator
- IntMinorProcessor() : IntMinorProcessor
- IntMinorValue() : IntMinorValue
- intmod() : InternalCF, InternalInteger, InternalPrimePower
- IntRandom() : IntRandom
- introduceDelayedPairs() : slimgb_alg
- intval() : CanonicalForm, InternalCF, InternalInteger, InternalPrimePower, InternalRational
- Intvec() : Intvec
- intvec() : intvec
- iNumberOfParameters : coeffs
- inv_basis : nforder
- inv_divisor : nforder
- invalidate() : CountedRefWeakPtr< PtrType >
- inverse() : modpk
- invert() : InternalCF, InternalPoly
- inZ() : CanonicalForm
- IOverJ() : MinorProcessor
- iPairType : CCacheHash< CExponent >::CCacheItem
- iposv : simplex
- iq : RandomGenerator
- ir : RandomGenerator
- is_domain : coeffs
- is_eof : s_buff
- is_field : coeffs
- is_free() : vspace::internals::Block, vspace::internals::VSeg
- is_homog : slimgb_alg
- is_imm() : InternalInteger, InternalPrimePower, InternalRational
- is_locked() : LibThread::Region, Lock
- is_normalized : sTObject
- is_null() : vspace::VRef< T >, vspace::VRef< void >, vspace::ZRef< T >
- is_quadratic() : KMatrix< K >
- is_redundant : sTObject
- is_ref() : CountedRef
- is_sigsafe : sTObject
- is_special : sTObject
- is_static : procinfo
- is_symmetric() : KMatrix< K >
- is_zero() : idhdl_wrap
- is_zero_entry() : tgb_matrix, tgb_sparse_matrix
- isBasisOrEdge() : fglmDelem, fglmSelem
- isCF() : PUtilBase, PUtilCF, PUtilInt, PUtilVar
- isConstant() : ConstTermReference< T >
- isDifficultField : slimgb_alg
- IsDivisible() : CReducerFinder
- isEmpty() : List< T >
- isEntryZero() : IntMinorProcessor, MinorProcessor, PolyMinorProcessor
- isFFinGF() : CanonicalForm
- isFiniteNumber() : amp::ampf< Precision >
- isFlippable : facet
- isfloat() : rootContainer
- isFractional() : nforder_ideal
- isHomogeneous() : CanonicalForm
- isid() : LeftvDeep
- isImm() : CanonicalForm
- isInExtension() : ExtensionInfo
- isInt() : PUtilBase, PUtilCF, PUtilInt, PUtilVar
- isLPring : ring
- isMaximal() : nforder
- isMaximalKnown() : nforder
- isMOne() : gmp_float
- isNegativeNumber() : amp::ampf< Precision >
- IsNonempty() : CReducerFinder
- isNotMinimal : SObject
- IsNull() : sTObject
- isOff() : CFSwitches
- isOn() : CFSwitches
- isOne() : bigintmat, CanonicalForm, gmp_float, InternalCF, InternalPrimePower
- isPivot : fglmDdata, gaussReducer
- ispoly : CFIterator
- isPositiveNumber() : amp::ampf< Precision >
- isReduced : resVector
- IsSkewConstant : nc_struct
- istate : resMatrixBase
- IStateType : resMatrixBase
- iStep : ap::const_raw_vector< T >
- isTrivial() : groebnerCone
- isUnique() : fglmVectorRep
- isUnivariate() : CanonicalForm, InternalCF, InternalPoly
- IsValid() : CBasePolyEnumerator, CRecursivePolyCoeffsEnumerator< ConverterPolicy >, IBaseEnumerator
- isValuationNonTrivial() : tropicalStrategy
- isValuationTrivial() : tropicalStrategy
- isVar() : PUtilBase, PUtilCF, PUtilInt, PUtilVar
- isZero() : amp::ampf< Precision >, bigintmat, CanonicalForm, fglmVector, fglmVectorRep, gmp_complex, gmp_float, InternalCF, InternalPrimePower
- item() : AlgExtGenerator, CFGenerator, FFGenerator, GFGenerator, IntGenerator, ListItem< T >
- IteratedFor() : IteratedFor
- iterations_left() : IteratedFor
- iterator : IdealBase< poly_type >, PolyBase< variant, create_type_input, error_handle_traits >, PowerSeriesBase< traits >
- iv : utypes
- iv64GetVec() : int64vec
- iv64isStrictlyPositive() : gcone
- iv64String() : int64vec
- iv64TEST() : int64vec
- ivGetVec() : intvec
- ivIntPt : gcone
- ivString() : intvec
- ivTEST() : intvec
- ivZeroVector : gcone
- izrov : simplex