Here is a list of all struct and union fields with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- o -
- o : procinfodata
- o_typ : sConvertTypes
- objects : LibThread::Region
- Off() : CFSwitches
- offset() : vspace::VRef< T >, vspace::VRef< void >
- ok() : LibThread::Command, vspace::Result< T >, vspace::Status
- oldb : Voice
- oldGaussElem() : oldGaussElem
- oldpiv : sparse_mat
- On() : CFSwitches
- one() : bigintmat
- oneIsOne() : nforder
- onepoly : rootContainer
- onlyLowerHalfSpace : tropicalStrategy
- op : ip_command
- op2() : LibThread::SharedObject
- op3() : LibThread::SharedObject
- Open : si_link_extension
- openDisplay() : CxxTest::X11Gui
- operator : List< T >, Matrix< T >
- operator bool() : CountedRefPtr< PtrType, Nondestructive, NeverNull, CountType >, CountedRefWeakPtr< PtrType >, vspace::Status, vspace::VRef< T >, vspace::VRef< void >, vspace::ZRef< T >
- operator coeffs() : ring
- operator const ptr_type() : CountedRefPtr< PtrType, Nondestructive, NeverNull, CountType >, PythonObject
- operator delete() : InternalInteger, InternalPoly, omallocClass, term
- operator delete[]() : omallocClass
- operator double() : gmp_float
- operator int() : Rational
- operator LeftvShallow() : LeftvDeep
- operator Matrix< T >() : SubMatrix< T >
- operator new() : InternalInteger, InternalPoly, omallocClass, term
- operator new[]() : omallocClass
- operator poly() : CPolynomialSummator
- operator ptr_type() : CountedRefPtr< PtrType, Nondestructive, NeverNull, CountType >
- operator T() : ConstTermReference< T >
- operator!= : CanonicalForm, CountedRefWeakPtr< PtrType >, fglmVector, PolyInputIterator< T >, PowerSeriesInputIterator< traits >, Rational, Variable, vspace::VRef< T >, vspace::VRef< void >
- operator%=() : CanonicalForm, intvec
- operator()() : ap::template_1d_array< T >, ap::template_2d_array< T >, cache_compare, CanonicalForm, CCacheCompare, CFMap, Evaluation, gitfan::facet_compare, groebnerCone_compare, LibThread::JobCompare, Matrix< T >, modpk, PythonObject, ZConeCompareDimensionFirst
- operator*() : CountedRef, CountedRefData, fglmVector, gmp_complex, gmp_float, LeftvDeep, Number, PolyImpl, PolyInputIterator< T >, PowerSeriesInputIterator< traits >, spectrum, vspace::VRef< T >, vspace::ZRef< T >
- operator*=() : amp::ampf< Precision >, ap::complex, bigintmat, CanonicalForm, Factor< T >, fglmVector, gmp_complex, gmp_float, int64vec, intvec, Number, PolyBase< variant, create_type_input, error_handle_traits >, PolyImpl, Rational
- operator+ : fglmVector, gmp_complex, gmp_float, Number, PolyImpl, spectrum
- operator++() : AlgExtGenerator, CFIterator, FFGenerator, GFGenerator, IntGenerator, IteratedFor, ListIterator< T >, PolyInputIterator< T >, PowerSeriesInputIterator< traits >, Rational
- operator+=() : amp::ampf< Precision >, ap::complex, CanonicalForm, CPolynomialSummator, Factor< T >, fglmVector, gmp_complex, gmp_float, intvec, Number, Poly, PolyBase< variant, create_type_input, error_handle_traits >, PolyImpl, Rational, Vector
- operator- : CanonicalForm, fglmVector, gmp_complex, gmp_float, Number, PolyBase< variant, create_type_input, error_handle_traits >, PolyImpl, Rational
- operator--() : ListIterator< T >, Rational
- operator-=() : amp::ampf< Precision >, ap::complex, CanonicalForm, fglmVector, gmp_complex, gmp_float, intvec, Number, PolyImpl, Rational
- operator->() : CountedRefPtr< PtrType, Nondestructive, NeverNull, CountType >, CountedRefWeakPtr< PtrType >, LeftvShallow, PolyInputIterator< T >, PowerSeriesInputIterator< traits >, vspace::VRef< T >, vspace::ZRef< T >
- operator/ : gmp_complex, gmp_float, Number, PolyImpl
- operator/=() : amp::ampf< Precision >, ap::complex, CanonicalForm, fglmVector, gmp_complex, gmp_float, int64vec, intvec, Number, Rational
- operator< : CanonicalForm, CoefIdx< number_type >, gmp_complex, gmp_float, MinorKey, MinorValue, PolySimple, Rational, Variable
- operator<<() : CxxTest::ErrorPrinter::Adapter, CxxTest::OutputStream, CxxTest::StdioFilePrinter::Adapter, CxxTest::StdTraitsBase, spectrum, Variable, vspace::EventSet
- operator<= : gmp_complex, gmp_float, Rational, Variable
- operator=() : AFactor< T >, AlgExtGenerator, AlgExtRandomF, amp::ampf< Precision >, amp::campf< Precision >, amp::mpfr_reference, ap::complex, ap::template_1d_array< T >, ap::template_2d_array< T >, Array< T >, CanonicalForm, CCacheCompare, CCacheHash< CExponent >, CFIterator, CFMap, CFormulaPowerMultiplier, CLeadingTerm, CMultiplier< CExponent >, CountedRef, CountedRefData, CountedRefIndirectPtr< PtrType >, CountedRefPtr< PtrType, Nondestructive, NeverNull, CountType >, CountedRefShared, CountedRefWeakPtr< PtrType >, CPolynomialSummator, CReducerFinder, CxxTest::ErrorFormatter, CxxTest::Link, CxxTest::RealSuiteDescription, CxxTest::RealTestDescription, CxxTest::StaticSuiteDescription, CxxTest::StdioFilePrinter::Adapter, CxxTest::TestTracker, DegreePattern, Evaluation, ext_entry, Factor< T >, fglmVector, gmp_complex, gmp_float, groebnerCone, IBaseEnumerator, IteratedFor, LeftvDeep, LeftvShallow, LibThread::ByteBuf, linearForm, LinTree::LinTree, List< T >, ListItem< T >, ListIterator< T >, MapPair, Matrix< T >, MinorKey, modpk, newtonPolygon, Number, ParseUtil, PolyImpl, PolyMinorValue, PolySimple, Rational, REvaluation, SBucketFactory, sLObject, spectrum, StoreFactors, SubMatrix< T >, tropicalStrategy, Variable, vspace::VRef< T >, vspace::VRef< void >, vspace::ZRef< T >
- operator== : CanonicalForm, CountedRefPtr< PtrType, Nondestructive, NeverNull, CountType >, CountedRefWeakPtr< PtrType >, fglmVector, gmp_complex, gmp_float, linearForm, MinorKey, MinorValue, Number, Poly, PolyImpl, PolyInputIterator< T >, PolySimple, PowerSeriesInputIterator< traits >, Rational, Variable, Vector, vspace::VRef< T >, vspace::VRef< void >
- operator> : CanonicalForm, gmp_complex, gmp_float, Rational, Variable
- operator>= : gmp_complex, gmp_float, Rational, Variable
- operator[]() : Array< T >, bigintmat, CanonicalForm, DegreePattern, Evaluation, IdealBase< poly_type >, int64vec, intvec, IteratedFor, Matrix< T >, pointSet, PythonObject, rootContainer, SubMatrix< T >, vspace::VRef< T >
- operator^() : gmp_float
- operator~() : Rational
- OPT__DEBUG : SchreyerSyzygyComputationFlags
- OPT__HYBRIDNF : SchreyerSyzygyComputationFlags
- OPT__IGNORETAILS : SchreyerSyzygyComputationFlags
- OPT__LEAD2SYZ : SchreyerSyzygyComputationFlags
- OPT__NOCACHING : SchreyerSyzygyComputationFlags
- OPT__PROT : SchreyerSyzygyComputationFlags
- OPT__SYZCHECK : SchreyerSyzygyComputationFlags
- OPT__SYZNUMBER : SchreyerSyzygyComputationFlags
- OPT__TAILREDSYZ : SchreyerSyzygyComputationFlags
- OPT__TREEOUTPUT : SchreyerSyzygyComputationFlags
- options : ring
- ord : nforder_ideal
- ord_typ : sro_ord
- order : ring, nforder_ideal, SObject
- order_index : sro_ord
- orderedRes : ssyStrategy
- orderRays() : gcone
- ordsgn : ring
- OrdSgn : ring
- OrdSize : ring
- orig_bin : omMemCell_t
- originalIdeal : tropicalStrategy
- originalRing : tropicalStrategy
- out_coef : lattice
- outcast() : CountedRef
- OutOfMemoryFunc : omOpts_t
- outputStream() : CxxTest::ErrorFormatter
- overflow : skStrategy
- owner : Lock, matHeader