
windows 2000 installation
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Author:  David Joyner [ Thu Aug 11, 2005 5:31 pm ]
Post subject:  windows 2000 installation

The past few days Ive been struggling to get the Xemacs
interface to singular 2.0.3 to work in Windows 2000. When I
first installed it,
I did get it to work once. However, I saw a message
in xemacs under the singular banner and above the command
line prompt that some package couldn't be found, so I
exited singular it and tried to
reinstall it or play with the environmental variables.
No luck. Then I tried uninstalling and reinstalling,
no luck. At this point, I can only get singular
running in a tshell (under cygwin) as administrator!
Ive read the previous posts on this topic but
either I don't understand them or they don't seem to help.

Any suggestions?

- David

PS: Im mostly interested in this because Id like to
adapt this interface to GAP, if possible. This seems
reasonable, since both are built on linux/unix machines
then ported to windows using cygwin.

email: [email protected]
Posted in old Singular Forum on: 2002-03-17 15:01:13+01

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