
line wrapping
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Author:  Silviu Minut [ Thu Aug 11, 2005 5:31 pm ]
Post subject:  line wrapping

Im using ESingular under linux, and all is well,
except that lines don't wrap around. If a line is too long,
singular truncates it with a dollar sign. I can't even
scroll past the $. Is there any way I can make lines wrap

email: [email protected]
Posted in old Singular Forum on: 2002-03-28 16:32:42+01

Author:  Eric Westenberger [ Wed Sep 21, 2005 8:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

> Im using ESingular under linux, and all is well,
> except that lines don't wrap around. If a line is too long,
> singular truncates it with a dollar sign. I can't even
> scroll past the $. Is there any way I can make lines wrap
> around?

Yes, there is. You need to set the variable truncate-lines
to nil. In order to do this you can either eval ( M-: )
the expression (setq truncate-lines nil) for turning on
line wrapping temporarily or if you want to have a permanent
solution you can insert the line

(setq truncate-lines nil)

at the bottom of the file .emacs-singular which is
contained in the emacs directory of your Singular

Eric Westenberger (Singular Team)

email: [email protected]
Posted in old Singular Forum on: 2002-04-19 10:50:48+02

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