
Changing help browsers
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Author:  Justin C. Walker [ Thu Aug 11, 2005 5:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Changing help browsers


I am running 2.0.4, downloaded from the Singular home page,
on Mac OS X (10.2.5 now). The default help browser is 'mac',
which goes to the default web browser to display the help files.

If I change the browser:
system("--browser", "info");
and then type
I get the 'info' window in the same terminal as Singular (expected), but all my typing is read by Singular; for example, 'n' just gets echoed at the point where the cursor is. If I then type ';<CR>', I get a Singular error message about 'n' being undefined.

Checking with 'ps', with 2.0.3, I see teTeX's copy of 'info' running after I type 'help;'. With 2.0.4, there is no 'info' running.




email: [email protected]
Posted in old Singular Forum on: 2003-04-11 03:31:29+02

Author:  Hans Schönemann [ Wed Sep 21, 2005 8:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

> If I change the browser:
> system("--browser", "info");
> and then type
> help;
There is an error in the help configuration file:
search for a file help.cnf in the Singular LIB directory
and change the line
info!xiE:info:!info -f %i --node='%n' &
info!xiE:info:!info -f %i --node='%n'
(i.e. remove the & at the end).

email: [email protected]
Posted in old Singular Forum on: 2003-04-16 11:47:12+02

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