I am trying to call Singular 3-0-1 from Maple 8 and return result back to Maple 8. Problem is that when Singular writes to a text file that later will be read into Maple, it ends its output with a symbol that looks like [] in Notepad. Then, when using Maple's read command, Maple returns
on line 1, unexpected end of input
Error, while reading `C:/Maple8/Out.txt`
If I open my Out.txt file manually and replace that symbol with ; then Maple has no problem reading the file. I have written my version of SINGULARlink in maple 8 programming language based on a procedure from pages 546-547 in "A Singular Introduction to Commutative Algebra"
Does anyone have any suggestions how to get Singular to write ; instead of [] in its output file? I know very little how Singular works and would appreciate some suggestions how to modify its output.
Rafal Ablamowicz
[email protected]