
Symbolic computation in a procedure
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Author:  jcapcotemp [ Mon Feb 20, 2017 11:52 am ]
Post subject:  Symbolic computation in a procedure


I am new to singular and have much more experience in mathematica and maple. One thing that separates singular from the other CAS I know is that indeterminates (I call them "symbols") have to be iniitated in a ring before doing any kind of algebra. Now suppose I create a procedure, in here it seems that singular does not care if the ring variables have not been defined. But what confuses me is that the following does not work

proc test123()
  return v(1)*v(2);

ring A = 0,(v(1..2)),dp;

I'm not really sure how to use the ring variables in the procedure and the documentation does not make me any wiser. Any help would be appreciated. I am trying to ports most of my codes (algebraic geometry for kinematics) to singular because this gives me the opportunity to continue using a free CAS and distribute this to interested people (without requiring them to have maple) and I am slowly getting annoyed of maples slowness (commandline execution gets slower after every new version of maple and older maple are known to be difficult when operating system updates). I also like and feel more comfortable with the C/C++ structure of singular.

Author:  gorzel [ Mon Feb 20, 2017 3:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Symbolic computation in a procedure

Almost any command in Singular needs to be called with (may be empty) parentheses.
The return command is not exception from this rule. So put the ( ), and it works as desired.
> proc test123()  {
> ring A = 0,(v(1..2)),dp;
> test123();

Hint: To make this proc independent of the names of the variables, write:
> proc test1234()  {
> ring rdp = 0,(x,y),dp;
> test1234();

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