A.5.2 Invariants of a finite group
Two algorithms to compute the invariant ring are implemented in
SINGULAR, Bases of homogeneous invariants are generated successively and those are chosen as primary invariants that lower the dimension of the ideal generated by the previously found invariants (see paper "Generating a Noetherian Normalization of the Invariant Ring of a Finite Group" by Decker, Heydtmann, Schreyer (J.Symb.Comput. 25, No.6, 727-731, 1998). In the non-modular case secondary invariants are calculated by finding a basis (in terms of monomials) of the basering modulo the primary invariants, mapping to invariants with the Reynolds operator and using those or their power products such that they are linearly independent modulo the primary invariants (see paper "Some Algorithms in Invariant Theory of Finite Groups" by Kemper and Steel (In: Proceedings of the Euroconference in Essen 1997, Birkhäuser Prog. Math. 173, 267-285, 1999)). In the modular case they are generated according to "Calculating Invariant Rings of Finite Groups over Arbitrary Fields" by Kemper (J.Symb.Comput. 21, No.3, 351-366, 1996). We calculate now an example from Sturmfels: "Algorithms in Invariant Theory 2.3.7":